but it got the job done. This is UCLA police 'escorting' a man out of the library. Just to keep things moving, they tazed him about five times, especially when the freshly-tazed bastard wouldn't get off the ground.
Is there something wrong with our generation that people aren't willing to straight out stop such heinous abuses of power?
This weblog is an ongoing, if periodic, effort by several friends to stay in touch, in reading material, and in ideas.
Lucky Luciano is a former Italian Stallion real estate hustler and Benedict Arnold CEO turned shady lawyer-to-be. He lives in Denver.
Ben is a Paramedic and would-be philantropist who lives in Denver. He knows everything about nothing.
Fuzzy Dunlop lives in Manhattan. He is more than capable of standing up to the stresses of a high crime urban environment.
Jess is a teacher. But have YOU given her an apple? No, you haven't. You should be ashamed of yourself. This crazy feminist currently rests her copy of Awakening in Jersey City.
Matt is a pariah, iconoclast, and professor of gambling living in Oakland.